
Sharing the world, remarkable designs from man and nature, enjoy life and support humanity. Develop compassion and love without discrimination. Need a reliable dedicated Virtual Assistant and Academic Writer? Email me.

Monday, November 26, 2007

ads and creatives

This site will be for ads and creatives. I am a great admirer of man and nature artworks. So today I will start to blog about and show artist creativity because I believe that graphic designers and web designers are the unsung heroes of the web. They create websites to accumulate riches for the website owners. A website is a simple expression of the owner and the product of an artist's interpretation. Designing websites is a good source of income too.

I saw this image from one of the dating websites I happened to browse today. I was really attracted to the way they photograph the model with a clear water background. It looks very interesting and unique. Maybe you would want to try posing and figure it out for yourself.